
长聘教规副教授(博导) 上海交通大学船建学院

何红弟,于2010年获得香港城市大学建筑学与土木工程系博士学位。现任上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院长聘教规副教授,博士生导师。主要从事“交通、环境与健康研究””深度学习与智能交通“”无人机在交通及其环境中的应用研究“等方面研究工作。近年来,累计发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI论文60余篇(JCR Q1类论文36篇、Q2类论文14篇),Google Scholar总引用次数1200余次, h-index 21。获得上海市教学成果二等奖、第三届“交通·未来”大学生科创作品大赛一等奖指导老师,入选上海市浦江人才计划。并担任世界交通运输大会交叉学部交通污染技术委员会主席, 上海市力学学会交通流动力学与数据科学专业委员会委员,交通科学与计算专题研讨会组委会成员,《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委。






2006.09 -- 2010.07 香港城市大学建筑学与土木工程系, 博士

2003.09 -- 2006.07 上海大学上海市应用数学和力学研究所,流体力学,硕士

1999.09 -- 2003.07 西北工业大学应用数学系,信息与计算科学,学士



2019.02 -- 至今 上海交通大学船建学院 交通运输工程系 长聘教规副教授(博导)

2010.10 -- 2019.01 上海海事大学物流研究中心 讲师 副教授

2017.09 -- 2018.11 美国康乃尔大学 访问学者

2016.07 -- 2016.09 香港城市大学 Research Fellow



1 交通、环境与健康研究 (Transpiration, Environment and Community Healthy)

2 深度学习与智能交通 (Application of deep learning methods in Intelligent Transport System)

3 无人机在交通及其环境中的应用研究(Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Transportation and Environment)



2021.05 -- 至今 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委

2017.08 -- 至今 世界交通运输大会 交叉学部 交通污染技术委员会主席

2016.09 -- 至今 上海市力学学会 交通流动力学与数据科学专业委员会委员

2014.06 -- 至今 交通科学与计算专题研讨会 组委会成员



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于垂直监测的城市高架交通排放物的三维扩散机理研究,2021-2024,项目负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,交通拥堵产生的超细颗粒物的动态分布及控制策略研究,2017-2020,项目负责人

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于颗粒物减排的城市道路交叉口交通流的动力学建模与优化,2014-2016,项目负责人

4. 上海市浦江人才计划项目,上海城市车辆流的动态优化与可吸入细颗粒物的污染控制,2012-2014,项目负责人

5. 上海市科委项目,港口细颗粒物排放特征及对区域空气质量的影响,2014-2016,项目负责人

6. 中国科技部国家重点研发计划子课题,基于无人机和大载荷气艇的大气垂直结构探测技术,2016-2020,项目参与人

7. 国家社会科学基金重大项目,城市交通政策和设施建设对大气环境影响的评价研究,2016-2020,项目参与人

8. 上海市环境保护局,上海市智能环保综合决策与大数据应用研究,2018-2019,项目参与人

9. 中国交通运输部,基于船舶运动轨迹的船舶能耗和碳排放统计算法研究,2014-2016,项目参与人

10. 上海市交通运输与港口管理局,港口综合发展指数,2012,项目参与人









2021年 第三届“交通·未来”大学生科创作品大赛一等奖,指导老师

2013年 上海市教学成果二等奖

2012年 上海市浦江人才计划



截至2021年5月,累计发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI论文60余篇(JCR Q1类论文36篇、Q2类论文14篇)。代表性文章:

[1]. He, H.D*., Gao, H. Oliver. Particulate Matter Exposure at a Densely Populated Urban Traffic Intersection and Crosswalk. Environmental Pollution. 2021, 268:115931.

[2]. Wu, C.L., Wang, H.W., Cai, W.J., He, H.D*., Ni, A.N., Peng, Z.R. Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on roadside traffic-related air pollution in Shanghai, China. Building Environment 2021, 194: 107718.

[3]. Tanvir, M.R.A., He, H.D*., Peng, Z.R. Spatio-temporal variability in black carbon concentrations at highway toll plaza: Comparison between manual and electronic toll lanes. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2021, 12: 286-294.

[4]. Jia, Y.P., Lu, K.F., Zheng, T., Li, X.B., Liu, X., Peng, Z.R., He, H.D*. Effects of roadside green infrastructure on particle exposure: A focus on cyclists and pedestrians on pathways between urban roads and vegetative barriers. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2021, 12: 1-12.

[5]. Luo, Z.G., Wang, Z.Y., Wang, H.W., He, H.D*., Peng, Z.R. Characterizing spatiotemporal distributions of black carbon and PM2.5 at a toll station: Observations on manual and electronic toll collection lanes. Building Environment 2021, 199: 107933.

[6]. Zheng, T., Wang, H.W., Li, X.B., Peng, Z.R., He, H.D*. Impacts of traffic on roadside particle variations in varied temporal scales. Atmospheric Environment 2021, 253: 118354.

[7]. He, H.D*., Lu, W.Z. Comparison of three prediction strategies within PM2.5 and PM10 monitoring networks. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2020, 11: 590-597.

[8]. Chen, Q., Li, X.B., Song, R.F., Wang, H.W., Li, B., He, H.D*., Peng, Z.R. Development and utilization of hexacopter unmanned aerial vehicle platform to characterize vertical distribution of boundary layer ozone in wintertime. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2020, 11: 1073-1083.

[9]. Lu, K.F., He, H.D., Wang, H.W., Li, X.B., Peng, Z.R. Characterizing temporal and vertical distribution patterns of traffic-emitted pollutants near an elevated expressway in urban residential areas. Building Environment 2020, 106678.

[10]. Wang, H.W., Li, X.B., Wang, D.S., Zhao, J., He, H.D*., Peng, Z.R. Regional prediction of ground-level ozone using a hybrid sequence-to-sequence deep learning approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 253:19841.

[11]. Li, X.B., Peng, Z.R., Lu, Q.C., Wang, D.F., Hu, X.M., Wang, D.S., Li, B., Fu, Q.Y., Xiu, G.L. He, H.D*. Evaluation of unmanned aerial system in measuring lower tropospheric ozone and fine aerosol particles using portable monitors. Atmospheric Environment 2020, 117134.

[12]. He, H.D*., Li, M., Wang, W.L., Wang, Z.Y., Xue, Y. Prediction of PM2.5 Concentration based on the Similarity in Air Quality Monitoring Network. Building Environment 2018, 137:11-17.

[13]. He, H.D*., Zhang, C.Y., Wang, W.L., Hao, Y.Y., Ding, Y. Feedback control scheme for traffic jam and energy consumption based on two-lane traffic flow model. Transportation Research Part D 2018, 60:76-84.

[14]. He, H.D., Shi, W., Lu,W.Z. Investigation of exhaust gas dispersion in the near-wake region of a light-duty vehicle. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2017, 31:775-783.

[15]. He, H.D*., Qiao, Z.X., Pan, W., Lu,W.Z. Multiscale multifractal properties between ground-level ozone and its precursors in rural area in Hong Kong. Journal of environmental management 2017, 196: 270-277.

[16]. He, H.D*. Multifractal analysis of interactive patterns between meteorological factors and pollutants in urban and rural areas. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 149:47-54.

[17]. He, H.D., Pan, W., Lu, W. Z., Xue, Y. Multifractal property and long-range cross-correlation behavior of particulate matters at urban traffic intersection in Shanghai. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2016, 30:1515-1525.

[18]. He, H.D*., Wang, J.L., Wei, H.R., Ye, C., Ding, Y. Fractal behavior of traffic volume on urban expressway through adaptive fractal analysis. Physica A 2016, 443:518–525.

[19]. He, H.D., Lu, W. Z., Xue, Y. Prediction of Particulate Matter at Urban Intersection by using Multilayer Perceptron Model based on Principal Components. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2015, 29: 2107-2114.

[20]. He, H.D., Lu, W. Z., Xue, Y. Prediction of Particulate Matter at Urban Intersection by using Artificial Neural Networks combined with Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. Building Environment 2014, 78:111-117.

[21]. He, H.D., Lu, W.Z. Spectral analysis of vehicle pollutants at traffic intersection in Hong Kong. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2012, 26:1053–1061.

[22]. He, H.D., Lu, W.Z. Decomposition of Pollution Contributors to Urban Ozone Levels Concerning Regional and Local Scales. Building Environment 2012, 49:97-103.

[23]. He, H.D., Lu, W.Z. Urban Aerosol Particulates on Hong Kong roadsides: Size Distribution and Concentration Levels with Time. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2012, 26:177-187.

[24]. He, H.D., Lu, W.Z., Dong, L.Y. An Improved Cellular Automaton Model Considering Effect of Traffic Lights and Driving Behavior. Chinese Physics B 2011, 20:040514.

[25]. He, H.D., Lu, W.Z., Dong, L.Y. Jam formation of traffic flow in harbor tunnel. Communications in Theoretical Physics 2011, 56:1140.

[26]. Lu, W.Z., He, H.D. Andrew Y T Leung, Assessing air quality in Hong Kong: A proposed, revised air pollution index (API). Building Environment 2011, 46:2562-2569.

[27]. Lu, W.Z., He, H.D., Dong, L.Y. Performance assessment of air quality monitoring networks using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Building Environment 2011, 46:577-583.

[28]. He, H.D., Lu, W.Z., Xue, Y. Prediction of PM10 concentrations at urban traffic intersections using semi-empirical box modelling with instantaneous velocity and acceleration. Atmospheric Environment 2009, 43:6336-6342.

[29] He, H.D., Lu, W.Z., Xue, Y., Dong, L.Y. Dynamic characteristics and simulation of traffic flow with slope. Chinese Physics B 2009, 18:2703-2708.


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